Intimacy + Early Parenthood

Committed partnership takes work. Add in sleep deprivation, regulating hormones, and a demanding third wheel who needs your nurturing 24/7 and you have an even bigger challenge. How do you carve out time for connecting with you partner in early parenthood? I have a few ideas:

When it comes to baby care, give each other grace. You will want to do things differently, it’s inevitable. Allow yourselves space to learn your own way of caring for Baby.

Carve out 5 minutes a day for mindful connection. Give each other eye contact and check in with one another.

Get physical. Remember to touch each other — cuddle, kiss, massage, hug. Make an effort. A little bit goes a long way.

Give relief. If there is a partner that is out of the house all day, remember to relieve the primary caregiver of their baby duties. Draw them a solo bath or take baby out for a walk.

Show appreciation to one another. Keep criticism to a minimum, share compliments freely and encourage each other.

Finally, please remember that in the long run, this is truly a short season. I promise you will sleep again, you will have more time together as a couple again, and you may even look back on this time with rose coloured glasses and decide to have one more.

Katherine Blanco Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC