Saving Money with Essential Oils

Save money, live healthier.

High quality essential oils have a bit of reputation for being expensive. Let's explore how these little bottles can actually help you reduce your monthly household spending while reducing the toxins in your home.

Katherine Blanco Fertility and Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC


I get it. These little bottles aren't cheap. But when you break down the cost per use, that changes things. When it comes to essential oils, a little goes a long way. My most used oils last me from 1.5 to 4 months!

For example, Lemon is my most commonly used oil. I use it almost daily — in diffuser blends, as part of my all-purpose cleaner, on my wool dryer balls to freshen laundry, and to remove anything sticky. A bottle of Lemon oil (15 mL or 250 drops) costs $12.75 CAD, with a wholesale account. That's 5 cents per drop and it lasts me over a month. 

To make my go-to all natural all-purpose spray you need a half cup of vinegar, two cups water and 20 drops of Lemon or Tea Tree (aka Melaleuca) oil. If I use the name brand vinegar and use Tea Tree oil, a bottle of my all-natural cleaner only costs me $2.10. Compare that to the store bought natural cleaner I used to buy. The cheapest I could find it is $4.50. Over time this adds up!

Katherine Blanco Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC


Buying all natural cleaners for your home really adds up. I mention my all-purpose cleaner above, but you can actually make all of your household cleaners with these simple ingredients: baking soda, vinegar, water, and essential oils. 

If DIY isn't your thing, doTERRA makes a great multi-purpose cleaning concentrate. The On Guard Cleaner is made with essential oils and other plant-based derivatives. It's safe for the whole family. One bottle lasts my family a couple of months.


Seasonal support. Combine Lemon, Peppermint, and Lavender oils, and diffuse or mix with a carrier oil to apply on the chest. 

Head tension. Inhale Peppermint oil.

Occasional muscle aches. Sore from exercising or lifting heavy? Deep Blue is there for you. 

Restless sleep. Diffuse Lavender and Frankincense in your bedroom 30 minutes before bedtime.

Curious about more applications? Check out this post.

vancouver birth doula prenatal yoga teacher - Katherine Blanco


Soothe your feet. Apply Lemon oil and Tea Tree oil diluted with fractionated coconut oil on tired, dry, cracked feet.

A relaxing bath. Add 4 drops of Lavender essential oil along with 1 cup Epsom salts to your bath water.

Get that glow. Beautify your skin with a drop of Frankincense and 3 drops of jojoba oil.

Amazing massage. Use several drops of Deep Blue with carrier oil for a therapeutic deep-tissue massage.

Curious about more applications? Click here. 

Katherine Blanco Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC


As a Wholesale Customer, you can opt into doTERRA's monthly rewards program. The Loyalty Rewards Program makes it easy to earn back product every month and even earn free shipping. 

The Loyalty Rewards Program a monthly order that you place, in which you are in complete control. You decide how much you want to spend and can adjust it month to month depending on your needs. One month you may order a body scrub, the next month On Guard Concentrated Cleaner, and then the next a single lip balm. Its your customizable monthly wellness box delivered straight to your doorstep!

Reducing the toxins in our homes does not have to be a costly endeavor. Adding in essential oils can be a great way to jump start the switch to safer, healthier products for your whole family while saving you money at the same time.

Have questions? I am just an email away! Send me a note to or fill out this form to connect with me.

A word of caution: Sensitivities can occur with essential oils. A little goes a long way and make sure you are using 100% therapeutic grade essential oil. This information is not meant to be recieved as medical advice. Contact a doctor if your condition worsens. Make sure to do your own research before using essential oils, especially around babies and young children