The Benefits of Skin to Skin 

Your baby has been nestled inside your warm womb for many months. He or she was receiving everything that they needed immediately. It takes time for babies to adjust to being earth side — suddenly there is light, temperatures are no longer steady, the familiar sounds are gone, and now they have to work to eat!

I encourage all of my clients to spend the first week after birth in bed, nestled skin to skin with their babies. It’s even better if you can extend this experience to two weeks. Yes, two weeks! This cozy time gives Baby space to adjust to life outside the womb and helps you recover from the birth process.

Better for Baby. Not only does Baby feel the same security they felt in your womb, it helps with temperature regulation, improves breathing and heart function and also reduces crying.

Reduces stress and improves mood. Resting with your baby reduces overall stress and may also decrease your risk of postpartum depression. 

Bond with Baby. Skin to skin gets the love hormone, oxytocin, flowing. This exchange of oxytocin assists with the establishment of breast/chest feeding. Snuggling also promotes healthy bonding with Baby for both you and your partner.

I urge you to have a solid postpartum plan in place, so you may be intentional about this special period. Ideally, have your nourishing meals and housework taken care of for the first month. I am occasionally available to add postpartum services to my holistic doula care and birth support, or perhaps consider hiring a postpartum doula to help with this. 

Soak up those newborn snuggles and rest like it’s your job, in your warm bed. 💛

Katherine Blanco Fertility and Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC